Steps to Establishing an 8(a) Sole Source Contract
- The Government program manager or interested party develops a statement of work, prepares a government estimate, and obtains the necessary funding.
- The Government program manager or interested party chooses Areeva Solutions, LLC to perform the work and submits a procurement request to the agency contracting officer.
- The agency contracting officer prepares and submits an “Offer Letter” to SBA’s email address at
- SBA processes the Offer Letter and returns it to the agency contracting officer within 5 business days, who submits the Statement of Work and Request for Proposal or Quotation to Areeva Solutions, LLC.
- Areeva Solutions, LLC submits the proposal which is evaluated and negotiated (if necessary) by the agency. The contract is awarded to Areeva Solutions, LLC.
These steps can be accomplished within few days in most cases. Areeva Solutions, LLC has a great working relationship with the SBA‐assigned Business Opportunity Specialist (BOS) who is available to help clarify any issue related to the 8(a) program and facilitate the sole source contract award process.